If there are clear skies and a friendly wind, warm climate which supports hot air corridors, beautiful hill tops surrounded by forests or greenery, you can make sure that there must be a paragliding school nearby. Regardless of your holiday destination, if the conditions mentioned above are valid for you are, you can start looking for a paragliding school or a paragliding group operating just near you. Therefore, it is not difficult to find people or institutions which can offer you tandem paragliding flights or certified paragliding education when you are on holidays. Don’t miss this chance of combining your holiday with such an adrenaline sport while enriching the scope of your holiday!
Just like you can find a paragliding school at your holiday point, you can arrange your holiday according to most famous paragliding points of the world. Paragliding destinations can be the main location if you are looking for a vocation full of adrenalin! To make it easier for you, here is a short list of platforms and associations which monitor the worldwide paragliding events.
Wherever You Go, You Can Do Paragliding!
You don’t need to worry about finding the best spot for paragliding anymore. If you want to enjoy this outdoor sport throughout your holiday, then you can arrange the dates of your vocation according to worldwide paragliding events or tournaments. Here is some public based updated information on the online platforms which inform you about worldwide gatherings and events on paragliding:
- Paragliding Earth: Imagine a worldwide map that shows all paragliding activities including the data on paragliding sites and clubs both on topographical and urban style map! You don’t need to rely on your own imagination because it already exists now!
- Paragliding Map: Originally designed to show the number of actively used paragliding parks and paragliding gatherings worldwide, the Paragliding Map now serves as a mobile map so that users can also pin the destinations that they experience paragliding at. From your mobile, you can reach the details of paragliding spots just like you can contribute for the paragliding data bank on this app.
- Pando Trip-Top Ten Paragliding Sites: This is a short list of famous places worldwide for paragliding. There are awe inspiring photos of paragliders that drive people’s attention. The most convenient seasons for paragliding at different spots are included in the list so people are informed when to visit those destinations. Among them there are Mozambique, Turkey, France, Switzerland and New Zealand.
- Paraglide Worldwide: The destinations which the blog owner experienced by himself are shortly described according to weather conditions and accommodation details. Among these destinations, there are Spain, UK, New Zealand, Germany and Mexico. Good manual for European paragliders.